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Kumadvathi Residential Central School > Events at KRCS > School Union Election 2014 -15

School Union Election 2014 -15


As mentioned in the school academic calendar, we conducted elections to elect student representatives for school. It was held on 18th June 2014 for students from class 5th to 10th where representation was given for one boy and one girl candidate. The election was conducted according to election commission norms fitted to school environment.The election process was as follow.

  • Filing of nomination was from 14th June 2014 to 16th June 2014.
  • Withdrawing nominations was on 17th June 2014.
  • The propagation by the nominees was on 17th June 2014.
  • The election was conducted on 18th June 2014.

Till 17th June we received 75 nominations from classes 5th 10th and no nominations were withdrawn. At the Election Day on 18th June 2014 the voting procedure started from afternoon 02:00 PM and ended by 04:00 P.M, in which all students of respective classes cast their precious votes to choose their leaders. The voting where 26 members were elected to whom different port folios will be distributed. The counting procedure went on simultaneously with the voting.